Family Mission Statement

"The Mission of the Anderson Family is to become and do all things necessary to be exalted as a family. To prepare for heaven, we will create a 'heaven on earth' by maintaining: A home where the spirit dwells, a home of LOVE, a home of FAITH, a home of ORDER, a home of LEARNING, a home of HEALTH, a home of WORK, and a home of PLAY-- where we are united in our obedience to God and enjoy true happiness."

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Tennis Bug

Donny and I just finished playing 
in our second tennis tournament together.
We started up the Millville Days Tennis Tournament last year
and both years it has been so much fun.
We have gotten so obsessed each time
with learning and practicing this great sport.
(Thank you Elisabeth and Logan for encouraging us to 
build our house by the tennis courts!)

We've made it to the finals both years 
and we are consistent at winning 2nd place.
 All our kids, especially our oldest have also got the tennis bug.
After breakfast and morning chores are done,
everyone runs out to the tennis courts.
All the neighborhood kids join us-
it looks like we have a huge tennis lesson going on daily.

I have often wondered why I get so obsessed with things.
Whatever I get into, I GET INTO it until I have mastered it.
I just finished reading "Peter Pan" 
and at the end of the book there was this quote I loved:
"Whatever Mr. Darling did, he had to do in excess;
otherwise he soon gave up."

It felt so good to know Mr. Darling had my same tendencies!


Haley and Mitch said...

So true, you do master everything you get into. I love it!!

Allison said...

Having passions is what keeps life interesting! I think it's wonderful (and healthy) to have ambition!