Family Mission Statement

"The Mission of the Anderson Family is to become and do all things necessary to be exalted as a family. To prepare for heaven, we will create a 'heaven on earth' by maintaining: A home where the spirit dwells, a home of LOVE, a home of FAITH, a home of ORDER, a home of LEARNING, a home of HEALTH, a home of WORK, and a home of PLAY-- where we are united in our obedience to God and enjoy true happiness."

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


How many kids get to sleep in a snowfort?
Ours did! Last weekend with their dad.
He helped them build it all week in front of our house,
then Friday night they slept in it all night!
(Myriam only lasted until midnight,
when she came in to go potty and stayed in)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hats, Hats, More Hats

Crazy Hat Day at school.
Holland wants to join the fun.

Picnic at Home

OK, it's not a hat, but it's Crazy Hair day.

Mollie's first few crocheting projects-
headwrap and hats.
It's an obsession this week.

Monday, January 4, 2010


I wanted to give Jake a meaningful present for Christmas,
so my mom collected some pictures for me.
I worked on this collage today and I think it turned out
better than the individual pictures I printed out and gave him.

I am a child of God

Our family night lesson was on how we are part of two families.
Our bodies are born into an earthly family and
Our spirits are part of a heavenly family.
Can you name the baby born into our family?

Family Hobbies

The kids have joined dad in
Cross Country Skiing!

Myriam and Mom
are obsessed with knitting hats.